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A Guide for Americans Visiting France

Publié par Andrei TAVIRLAU On 19:11
Guide pour les américains qui visitent la France

Ci dessous, un petit extrait d'un matériel qui circule sur Internet.
Anecdotique, un peu exagéré et très drôle l’article est intéressant en tant qu’expression d’un choque culturel.

" General overview: France is a medium-sized foreign country situated in the continent of Europe. It is an important member of the world community, though not nearly as important as it thinks. It is bounded by Germany, Spain, Switzerland and some smaller nations of no particular consequence and with not very good shopping.

France is a very old country with many treasures, such as the Louvre and EuroDisney. Among its contributions to western civilization are champagne, Camembert cheese and the guillotine.
Although France likes to think of itself as a modern nation, air conditioning is little used and it is next to impossible to get decent Mexican food.

One continuing exasperation for American visitors is that the people willfully persist in speaking French, though many will speak English if shouted at. As in any foreign country, watch your change at all times.

The People: France has a population of 54 million people, most of whom drink and smoke a great deal, drive like lunatics, are dangerously oversexed, and have no concept of standing patiently in line. The French people are in general gloomy, temperamental, proud, arrogant, aloof, and undisciplined; and those are their good points. Most French citizens are Roman Catholic, though you would hardly guess it from their behavior. Many people are communists, and topless sunbathing is common. Men sometimes have girls' names like Marie, and they kiss each other when they hand out medals. American travelers are advised to travel in groups and to wear baseball caps and colorful, baggy pants for easier mutual recognition. "

L’article complet est accessible ici :

1 Response to "A Guide for Americans Visiting France"

  1. Petronela Said,

    Salut Andrei,

    Ou tu truves les articles comme celui-ci...?

    Bonne journée a toi de la Slovaquie!